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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Adventure in Town

We had a few days of cold weather and snow so we've been bundled up in the house. We got out today and caught up on errands and necessity shopping. First stop was to get Caleb's hairs cut. He didn't like that at all. First time he's preferred to not have it cut. He looks more clean cut now. We stopped at a certain box store because I like their dollar bins. Found some good deals to make crafts for Christmas. We also stopped at a craft show at one of the churches and I got a few ideas for homemade gifts there. In expensive but cute- which is what I like! Then we did our Thanksgiving day dinner shopping.
How are you celebrating Thanksgiving this year?

Saturday, November 8, 2014


Little man and I went to the mall this afternoon to look for his big nana and great aunt Christmas gifts.  At one of the stores I picked up a top to examine it when I heard little man say, "yep that's where our tax dollars is- this store".  The woman behind me started chuckling while I stood there speechless and stunned. I think he's beeen listening to too much talk radio with his daddy.

Thursday, November 6, 2014


Today Little Man and I started making Thanksgiving cards to send to family and friends. I arranged the stickers after they were printed so he could color them. He decided he didn't like where the stickers were and rearranged them so some will get theirs with the stickers looking a little ragged. It's the thought that counts so I think it'll be all right.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Pitch

 Little man is explaining to me what  he's about to do.

Here's the windup...

And the pitch!!