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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Toddler Gymn

I'm not liking the topsy-turvy weather we are having, but what can we do?? Friday and Saturday we were out walking the trails for much needed exercise and Sunday we were glad to get back in the normal routine of church and choir practice. Today I open the door and it's COLD! I want the nice weather back :(
So today we got the preschool exercise DVD back out and Caleb is now imitating a hot air balloon and a jabberwacky jellyfish :)

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Garden Time!

Last year Little Man and I started a small garden. It didn't do very well. We did have an abundance of bell peppers and jalapeƱos. I froze the majority of those. We got a few carrots and tomatoes and some salad greens. This year I'm thinking we might try tomatoes, bell peppers and carrots again. I would like to try corn because Little Man LOVES corn on the cob. I'm hoping to use the bell peppers and jalapeƱos to make hot pepper jam and chow chow. I've never canned on my own before so this will be a new experience.  My MIL and I canned homemade grape jelly one year with grapes we stopped and bought from a roadside market on the way home on one of the trips we took together. Personally, I wasn't impressed with gardening in containers so anything I plant this year will be in the ground.