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Thursday, January 21, 2016

My Lucky Day ;)

Last week I when i reached into the cabinet and grabbed a pot to fix meal I decided I need to invest in a new set of cookware. My non-stick skillets are not so non-stick anymore. My pots and pans are dented and dinged. When DH and I married, I brought with me the set I bought when I moved into my own home 20 years ago. We did receive a new set when we married 14 years ago. Both sets have seen better days and need to be retired. I pulled out the sets to inspect and behind them i found the cast iron skillets DH brought home a few years after we married. I remember putting them aside thinking it was too much hassle to maintain them.

Well, now I've reconsidered after doing some research online. With 2 cast iron skillets, a dutch oven, grill pan and a griddle I'm seeing the error of my thinking when I set these at the back of the cabinet. The sky's the limit with these. I've discovered my new set of pots and pans.

Today i baked a apple pie in one. Simple. Lined it with the pie crust then added the apples. I placed it in the oven and let it preheat with the  oven. The pie came out perfect. Now I'm wondering if I can bake a turkey or ham in a dutch oven- maybe I'll research and find out if there's a cast iron oval roaster. I'm going to google it right now... :)

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Game Snack Time

Warm chocolate cake right out of the oven with a glass of cold milk- no icing.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Good job, well done!

Little man is busy raking leaves with a stick.

My Duckling

We are playing outside this afternoon and little man and I had fun with our shadows. I thought he was pretending to be a bird but he says he was pretending to be a duck. My duckling :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Scary! ;)

Little Man is pretending to be hulk today.


I woke up this morning with a goal in mind. The tree is down, boxed away, and back in the garage. The Christmas decorations are stowed away and the furniture is back where it normally resides. The clutter is gone. My house is back to normal.

Friday, January 1, 2016

My Gift

He's gives me joy and I'm so thankful God has entrusted me to be his mom.

Want A Ride? Birthday Cake Anyone??

Little Man received a gift bix of legos and he's discovered mom knows how to build with them.

My Ham

He loves hamming it up for the camera.

Happy New Year!

We have been watching Veggie Tales' Beauty and the Beet and munched on nachos. Little Man is playing with his legos he received on Christmas. Dear Hubby and Romie dog are napping.

I am not ready to take down the tree and put away the decorations. I'm  not ready to decorate for Valentine's Day.  :(
